The California Defense Counsel is the political arm of the Association of Defense Counsel of Southern California and the Association of Defense Counsel of Northern California and Nevada.  The activities of the CDC and of our PAC, on behalf of civil defense practitioners throughout the State, are vital to making our voices heard in Sacramento.  We are in critical need of your support.

Why is CDC-PAC so important? Simply put, PAC contributions enable us to raise the profile of the civil defense bar in Sacramento.  Especially with term limits, there is a constantly-changing cast of legislators in the State Capitol, and we must make our presence known, quickly.  While political contributions neither can nor should provide a guarantee of legislative success, they do evidence a serious intent to be an active participant in the political process. Make no mistake, the California Legislature and Judicial Council really do directly affect our practices. Whether the issue is summary judgment, expert witnesses, construction defect, the Rules of Professional Conduct or trial court funding, or Rules of Court on trial-setting, continuances or telephonic appearances, decisions are being made which impact our ability to represent clients. The California Defense Counsel has had a number of notable successes in the legislative and administrative processes, but with your help we can be more effective.

Click here to visit the California Defense Counsel website.

Click here to donate to the CDC PAC.

Legislative Advocate:
Michael D. Belote
California Advocates, Inc.
1112 11th Street
Sacramento, CA 95814
Pnone: (916) 441-5050
Fax: (916) 441-5859
[email protected]