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Forensic Investigation of Commercial Vehicle Collisions
Thursday, September 19, 2024, 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM PST
Category: Webinars

The one-hour course on Forensic Investigation of Commercial Vehicle Collisions, is designed to cover accident reconstruction aspects about commercial vehicles in helping determining liability, reducing damages, and protecting clients. The course offers common terms, definitions, and techniques for exploring material related to commercial vehicles and accident scenes and how to preserve evidence. Also, to be discussed, what other experts commonly work in conjunction with Accident Reconstruction experts, and when should they be utilized. Secondly, on-board GPS trackers, cameras, emerging technologies, and event data recorders or “black boxes” data will be discussed as to the type of data retrievable, its uses, and the current vehicle coverage. Lastly, several case studies involving commercial vehicles, data analysis, and computer simulation will be reviewed.

Presented by: Robert Morales, Senior Managing Accident Reconstructionist | YA Engineering Services

Sponsored by: Hodson PI

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