How to Defend Against a Loss of Consortium Claim
Wednesday, February 19, 2025, 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM PST
Category: Webinars
Join us while we explore one of the least discussed but most potentially lucrative claims in a personal injury case- a claim for loss of consortium. Often described as “The Unspoken Injury” by the Plaintiffs’ Bar, this webinar will discuss why this cause of action can be the most important and most potentially dangerous claim in a lawsuit. This webinar will address the following:
$30.00 - MEMBERS ONLY 1.0 GENERAL MCLE Presented By: Lindy F. Bradley, Esq. | Partner | Bradley Gmelich & Wellerstein, LLP Bron D’Angelo | Partner | Burger Meyer, LLP Sponsored by: Hodson PI
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